Here are a few references I was particularly happy to receive (always nice when it comes directly from the student)
Reference 1:
Before: "My daughter is 11 and I have to admit hates maths. I would love her to gain a bit more confidence and poss even slight love for maths."
During: "[She is] so excited - can't stop talking about how interesting it was - which was NOT the reaction I expected :)"
After: "She is also more confident in maths which I am very happy about... lessons she did with you helped a lot"
Reference 2:
“… and these are the schools I got in to… [long list with scholarships]… I am very happy about the results. Thank you for tutoring me :)”
Reference 3:
“It was really nice of you to teach me, I enjoyed the lessons a lot. I liked all bits of the lessons.”
Reference 4:
“I am happy to provide a reference for Marc's excellent work with Eddie and Tom. Marc worked primarily with Eddie on his French in preparation for his 13+ Common Entrance for Merchant Taylors' School, helping to spark Eddie's passion for languages, and to pass the exams with confidence. Marc also helped our younger son Tom through his challenges with Maths at school. The boys loved having Marc as their tutor as the classes were fun, relevant and effective, and I highly recommend Marc for such work in the future.”